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Wednesday 8 July 2020


Audience: True revelation

Dr. DK Olukoya: Revelation is when something is covered then God opens your eyes to see it with quality revelation. What do I say? I had a revelation. It means that something that was close, God opens it and the person could see it now. They call that revelation. As you find in Psalm 19: 1, talk about the evil's declare the Glory of God. Then, the second way God speaks is true inspiration. I communicates to inspiration because we are inspired by the Holy Spirit and because of that inspiration, you begin to see things. When the Spirit of God comes upon a man, it gives that man inspiration until that what does don't know, what does well see, we begin to see it then the third one is true illumination. God sheds light on what (7:58) still is that nobody knows what God puts light there and can understand it. The communication of the Almighty can be divided into those three categories. Now, listen to this very important points. This is just an outline for you to take home and study. You still have to take your (8:18). Listen to me carefully. 

The most important need, I say that again. The most important need of any serious child of God is to hear clearly from God (8:36). The most important need of any serious child of God is to do what?  To hear, clearly from God. If everybody in the church can hear clearly from God, the Pastor would have few problems. If everybody can hear clearly from God, the counselors would have very few problems. If everybody can hear clearly from God, most of the problem would put yourself in and start getting out, you won't even get inside, let alone trying to get out, if everybody can hear clearly from God. If you can hear, I can hear, everybody can hear then there'll be no problems again. Wouldn't be lovely if as you are sitting down there, God opens your eyes like Joseph and you see your future. You know where you are going (9:28) your family members God shows them to you one by one. You know (9:33). Wouldn't that be wonderful? If for example, some of you have examination. You have (9:40) tomorrow and by tonight God just comes (9:41) my son, this is what is coming out as well as (9:44) don't (9:47) that. (9:50)

(audience indistinct chattering)

Dr. DK Olukoya: The most important need of any serious child of God is to hear clearly from God. When you begin to hear from God as a Christian? That is the day your progress begins. That is you begin to make progress. If you had done (10:14) but you can't hear anything, you will be frustrated but God doesn't want us to be like that. It doesn't want us to be frustrated Christians. It wants us to be able to hear clearly from him. Some of you are here. Your father get back to you and run away. The reason he ran away was because your mother did not know who to marry when she married him. That's why the (10:45) but if you can know, you can hear from God, you can hear clearly (10:53) don't go there. You sit down here. Don't do this. Don't do that then you begin to move. 

There's a plane crash in Nigeria. I was a man inside a plane. As they enter the plane, is sat down because (11:11) short prayer like his normal practice anytime I enter the plane. As he close his eyes, he can show plenty of blood. Oh! When I saw the blood, Rosa, he took his briefcase and it was on his way out. The (11:29) where you going? You forget that. You (11:30). You lose your money. I said, “Don't worry”. You know what, he got down. He was the only one who did not die in that plane crash because they thought it was inside. The most useful thing for you is to hear from God. 

Human beings are not all human beings. Life is not what it presents to you in this office. (11:59) at the back that you need to see. When you begin to hear from God? Your progress as a believer begins and that day I tell you the truth, the day you begin to learn this simple, simple principles of airing from God, I begin to put it into use in your personal life is a great thing in your life. There, you will never forget. And when you are now able to communicate with God then you intend to dip communion with God. You could sit somewhere and talk to God for one hour. Your news may not be moving what you are communicating with Jamaica and God wants that to happen. God owes us to be like that. I pray that (12:48) Do you understand it?

(audience shouting)

Dr. DK Olukoya: ...and that those who are already getting everything wrong and they already making mistakes at evil. Hope you understand it.

(audience shouting)

Dr. DK Olukoya: Revelation 3:20. with me the first point that the most serious need  of any child of God is to hear God very clearly. With many second point, I did they begin to hear from God your progress as a believer begins. Revelation 3: 20. I will (13:36) wait for me. Okay, wait. Revelation 3:20. The behold I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice ...

Ends in 14:00

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