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Tuesday 7 July 2020


Posted by E Kofi Sakyiamah | Reference(s): DR DK OLUKOYA |


I got born again in 1974. Some of you were not born at that time. (Giggling)

Two things. There were two experiences that challenged me and changed my life as a born-again Christian. (0:30) Paul Rodney challenged me, I got on, I could not sleep. Let me describe them to you roughly so you know what we're going tonight.

The church were going to many many years ago. We had a strange pastor. We called the man (0:46) pastor because he had bed like this, by vulnerable (0:52). One day, we go to church and I was (0:55) and what's going on. I was at the back at the door, and this Baba, the pastor was at the front. (1:05) whatever was going on, I will do priest worship, the woman was coming in to the back door. The woman with the baby at the back. All of the sudden, I saw the (1:15) jump down from the puppet. He ran straight to the back when was tangent and this (1:20) was also sinking on coming in and the (1:22) and confronted when I said, “Hey, madam. When you come to our church here, you don't come here walking upside down”. 

(audience whispering)

Dr. DK Olukoya: The woman I was seeing was standing with two legs. She had the baby at the back, yet somebody came from the front. An old man was all enough to give back to ten of me, run to the back and was able to see that this woman that I was looking (1:56) standing on two legs was actually walking upside down. And the man said, “Yes, yes, daddy. I won't do it again. Yes, daddy. I won't do it again”. I thought, I was going to lose my temper. What do you mean? Well, you saw me on my leg. You say, I'm working on my head. What do you mean? (2:14) “Yes, daddy. I won't do it again”. 

Everything is secondary if ever. I didn't hear it again. 

(audience indistinct chattering)

Dr. DK Olukoya: I did hear because I said, “Look at me. I claim to be a young boy. I came to be born again. I claim that I'm serving Jesus. I claim I'm going to heaven. This Baba is an old man. It can give (2:33) to tell off me. It could see that somebody was walking upside down. Me, I was standing beside a woman. I did not know that I was standing beside somebody who was walking upside down. Something was wrong with me. I got very depressed and unhappy. What kind of thing is this? Why on my own eyes closed and his own eyes open? It is part of what we are talking about tonight. 

Why your eyes are closed? (3:05) This is what you must understand very very well. That's the first experience that shook me seriously. It made me take this topic of tonight seriously and know at whatever cost, whatever is gonna cost me, I must get to live where I can hear and see in this spiritual (3:25). That is why it is a very serious matter. That's why this meeting is for (3:31) is enough for those who just want to come to church and do priest worship and sing and go home, is for those who are looking up and the one to be flying (3:40), is for those who in the future would like to be prophets, those in the future would like to be niggas who cannot be deceived. I pray that (3:51) would promote you to (3:53) to go.

(audience shouting)

Dr. DK Olukoya: Your (3:56) is very weak. 

(audience shouting)

Dr. DK Olukoya: This second experience. I used to be in the choir. I'm now at church in those days. We have what to call procession on him. We have what to call recession on him. Procession on him, every morning before the services, the courtesan who where the choir robes were gather outside. Once they gather outside, the Pastor will come, the elders will come, and we pray a short prayer then they play the procession on him and all of us will check our hymn books and sing and enter into the church, that was these days. The possession on him. 

One day, we got on outside (4:45), the choruses in the choir room, the elders were there, the pastors were there, and we're going to pray before we get inside. All of a sudden, as we're about to start prayer, his senior Pastor, his superintendent, an old man came and normally in that (5:05) that I belong to once his senior Pastor comes is checked over (5:09). (5:09) Baba, an old man, gray here came (5:14) I guess about to start the service. This is was the one at the most senior, it took over his service and the (5:24) came. Every body bow down their heads and say, “I want one of the elders to pray”. One elder, very popular and say, “Father in the name of Jesus, Father in the name of Jesus”, the Baba say, “Shut up!” 

(audience whispering)

Dr. DK Olukoya: Shut up. Why should you (5:43) magic power on your neck? And you're putting away where I'm standing? Magic power? In this outside the church and this is the money who used to purify a prayer? The man says, “Sorry, sir. Samantha position and pray. Stand up and pray (6:04). Its challenged me. The time has come when (6:13) in your eyes and the outside world has to do wide open. 

(audience shouting)

Dr. DK Olukoya: ...and this is why we're doing this study. Amen.

Audience: Amen!

Dr. DK Olukoya: Take your paper now. How does God communicates? God communicates through three outlets. The three outlets unlisted and the paper before you. Number one is true revelation.

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